Saturday, July 28, 2007

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next stop..sketching! refer to chapter 11 of the text book..somethings taught..sometimes, we add brief notes or descriptions to our sketches to help explain specific details. These notes are called annotations

Annotations can be used to
  • highlight a material
  • expain how parts are joined
  • point out a problem with the idea
  • give extra information about hidden parts
  • explain technical parts

when a sketch is done without using a ruler, we call this freehand sketching.

now looking at page 112 & 113...the expert teaches you how to sketch properly, so listen or look carefully at the tips the expert gives you!

sketching shapes using a square grid. freehand sketches can be prepared quickly on square grids. the square grids will help you to draw straight lines and to maintain proportion.We can use the GPO method for sketching shapes too. this can be used to sketch a shape accurately. GPO stands for Guidelines, Proportion and Outline. To be continued...


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